Thanks to the proceeds of the flea market at Mill Hill College in Goirle in 2019, sufficient funds became available to support the S.D.A. hospital of Dr. Kodwo Sarfo Agyeman in Obuasi. Dr. Sarfo was trained in the Netherlands (in Nijmegen) and after his studies he chose to return home to support the people in Ghana. At the beginning of 2019, he submitted an application for medical equipment not available in Ghana. Help Ghana was able to purchase the necessary equipment from the Dutch Medic Foundation in Apeldoorn, an organisation that collects second-hand hospital equipment. Expert volunteers from the medical world inspect and/or repair this equipment, after which it is sold for a fraction of the original value. As a result, it is of great use for mission hospitals that do not have sufficient budgets. The S.D.A. hospital plays a central role for approximately 45,000 people in the area, most of whom are very poor and don’t get reimbursed for all medical costs by the national health care system. The equipment ranges from surgical instruments, sterilization ovens to laboratory equipment. Help Ghana has paid for the purchase, as well as for the door to door delivery to Ghana, executed by a Ghanaian shipper in the Netherlands. We wish Dr Sarfo and his team every success with the expansion of the hospital.