At the Compassionate Kids School in Adawso, Eastern Region, the educational approach is uniquely holistic, guided by the Triple H principle: nurturing the Head, Hands, and Heart. This philosophy underscores the importance of a balanced education, extending beyond traditional classroom learning to include outdoor activities, vital for the overall development of children. The school had earmarked an area for such activities, but it required significant preparation, including leveling and the installation of adequate drainage systems. The children and teachers of the Compassionate Kids School have joined hands in sowing the area. Now they just have to wait till the grass is tall enough to start playing on it.

Understanding the importance of this developmental space, the Help Ghana Foundation was approached for assistance in preparing this terrain. Upon learning about this initiative, Anja Spanjers, a former volunteer at Compassionate Kids School, stepped forward with a remarkable gesture of generosity. She donated the entire required amount of €1,500 to the foundation. Her contribution is not only immensely appreciated but is also a testament to the lasting impact that working with these children and understanding their educational needs can have on individuals.